
Showing posts from June, 2021

Embrace the crypto trading bot that lets you trade crypto in your sleep!

  On the wall street area,  there is a famous saying “money never sleeps” but most financial markets are closed during nights and weekends. In contrast to that crypto currencies trade around the clock, 365 days a year. Obviously it is impossible for any trader to take advantage of every opportunity. But it is not technologically impossible.  Yes! Algorithm trading plays an important role in the global financial market and crypto market.  So if a trader configures them once, trading bots take over the most of the work and seize the opportunity in the rapidly changing crypto market.  The automated trading bot leaves no room for guessworks, executing trades while reducing the risk. Now let us go through how trading bot works along with the pros and cons of it.  What is a crypto trading bot ?  Crypto trading bot  is an automated software that monitors, analyzes and executes trades using the predetermined protocols.  These bots use trading al...